The Pokemon Japanese and Chinese card market is very different! The Japanese version must be more valuable? | Dismantling the secrets in this article- HobbyX Store Hong Kong collectible game store
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The Japanese and Chinese markets are very different! The Japanese version must be more valuable? | Dismantling the secrets in this article

by HobbyX店長 on November 29, 2022

Many collectibles, whether it is models or game collection cards, one of the largest producers is undoubtedly Japan. Therefore, many collectors feel that the Japanese version is more worthy of collection than the "Hong Kong version" or even the "Traditional Chinese version" sold in other places. Especially for the collection cards, the most obvious difference can be seen at a glance, which is the text in them. Everyone's existing feelings about the collection cards are that they prefer the Japanese version and are more resistant to the Chinese version. But today, is the collectible card market still dominated by the Japanese version? Or has there been a change? The following will discuss with you one by one.


Does the general environment directly affect the Japanese card market ?

As we all know, the exchange rate of the yen fell earlier due to the impact of the epidemic. If you decide to collect it yourself, you can indeed go to the Japanese website to buy it at a cheaper price through the yen exchange rate. Some collectors may worry that the collection cards in their hands will not be as valuable as they used to be in the short term. But in fact, Japanese cards are still tenacious in the market, and the increase in card prices is still higher than that of the Japanese yen. The demand for Japanese cards in the world is still very high, and the market is guaranteed. Therefore, friends who hold Japanese cards do not need to rush to buy them. let go. Moreover, the epidemic situation has recently stabilized, and Japan has also switched off, causing the yen to rise slowly. It is just around the corner to rise to the previous level.


The three capital preservation advantages of the Japanese version of the collection card

As mentioned above, there is no need to worry too much about the depreciation of the Japanese version of the card at this moment, because the Japanese version always has its inherent advantages.

First, the workmanship of the Japanese version is generally better than that of the American version. Collectors from all over the world who have requirements for the quality of cards still pursue the Japanese version of cards, and they will still go to Japan Auction Network and other places to grab cards.

Second, news topics continue to appear, which can maintain or push up the popularity. For example: Earlier, a well-known Japanese YouTuber HIKAKIN spent more than 60 million yen in a Japanese card store to buy his childhood memory pokemon card. All these news caused instant speculation in the Japanese market, and the demand for more players to continue to invest in the game increased sharply.



But at the same time, please pay attention, some news is worthy of sincere attention, don't just treat it as a hot topic. Recently, some game card artists expressed their disappointment when they found that someone sold their autograph cards for a high price. I hope that all collectors will have a conscience, not all cards are suitable for speculation. Don't ruin the game card trading market.

Third, the production speed of collectible cards in Japan will be faster. Players who like to buy new models first will still pay attention to the Japanese version of the collectible card market. So if you have a lot of Japanese cards in your hand, you don’t need to rush to let go of the cards, and make a decision when the time comes. Don’t regret it later because of short-sightedness.

The status of "Traditional Chinese Edition" in the Hong Kong market has exceeded expectations

I believe everyone will agree that Hong Kong people will pursue the Japanese version and the original version for most of the products, and of course the collection cards are all the same. But in recent years, the situation has begun to change, and it is no longer one-sided. Players are slowly paying more attention to the "Traditional Chinese Version". Market demand has risen a lot. Why is there such an unexpected situation? The biggest reason is that the number of "real players" of game cards has increased. What is meant by a "real player" means not only collection, but also real battles with other players. As for the battle level, the official battles in most regions will only recognize the official language version of the region. In many cases, the Japanese version can only be used in local games in Japan. Basically, outside of Japan, everyone will use the Japanese version of the card to fight unless it is agreed in advance. With the gradual development of game card battle culture, some local collectors no longer buy the Japanese version. The value of the "traditional Chinese version" card depends on the card's ability value. Of course, the more useful the card is, the more popular it is.


Therefore, when you still hear some sayings that "you must choose the Japanese version to play the game card", please remember that this is not guaranteed. Players must recognize the purpose of their purchase. The Japanese version is not an advantage. inferior. They are just one type, and a game player must learn to flexibly choose the appropriate version in response to different situations.