Latest News| HobbyX Store | Trading Card Store in Hong Kong
  • Room 02, 20th Floor, President Commercial Centre, 608 Nathan Road, Mong Kok
  • Business hours: Monday to Thursday 2:00pm-9:30pm, Friday to Sunday 1:00pm-10:00pm

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PSA 官方贈品換領計畫

PSA Gift Redemption Programme

HobbyX is awarded as the official authorized dealer of PSA...
by HobbyX店長 on August 29, 2023
收藏卡鑑定潛在風險 | 稍有失誤隨時損失過千 - HobbyX Store

Potential risks of collection card identification |

It is often said that whether it is a game...
by HobbyX店長 on November 11, 2022

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