Dragon Shield Sleeves: Matte Dual - Grand Archive - Merlin (100) | HobbyX Store | 集換式卡牌遊戲專賣店
  • 旺角彌敦道608號總統商業大廈20樓02室
  • 營業時間 : 星期一至四 2:00pm-9:30pm,星期五至日 1:00pm -10:00pm
Dragon Shield Sleeves: Matte Dual - Grand Archive - Merlin (100)
  • 庫存: 缺貨中

Dragon Shield Sleeves: Matte Dual - Grand Archive - Merlin (100)


Beware the innocent front of the wily mage seated on the throne; she is nothing like what she seems. Sleeve your deck with Merlin Kingslayer from Grand Archive!
